
Discover How A Hotel in Miami Beach, FL Captured 6,137 Lead Using This Solution!

“With BuzzyBooth, we were able to collect guest data in a non-invasive way while providing something fun for people.” Matthew Downey, Gathering Hotel Manager. The Challenge Privacy Law Restrictions When Promoting to Hotel Guests When Gaythering Hotel began operating in 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida, General Manager Matthew Downey wanted to create a unique experience …

Discover How A Hotel in Miami Beach, FL Captured 6,137 Lead Using This Solution! Read More »

Discover How Marriott Marquis Used BuzzyBooth To Generate Over 1.17M Impressions Online.

“After using BuzzyBooth, our restaurant The View has over 45K photos taken, 12K shared, and over 4.5M impressions. The Marriott Marquis lobby has over 11K photos taken, 3K shared, and 1.1M impressions thanks to BuzzyBooth” Thomas Ponesse – Marriott Marquis NYC. The Challenge Maintaining A Personal Guest Experience During Revenue Decline The year was 2012 …

Discover How Marriott Marquis Used BuzzyBooth To Generate Over 1.17M Impressions Online. Read More »

Revealed: The Secret That Made This Resort Generate Over 111 Positive Reviews in Under 5 Months

“In only five months, we managed to get 111 five-star reviews for our resort. BuzzyBooth is a powerful software.” Mark Custodio, Marketing Manager – Pacific Palm Resort. The Challenge Automating The Process of Getting Positive Reviews For The Resort Mark Custodio, Marketing Manager at Pacific Palm Resort in California, was given a challenging task by …

Revealed: The Secret That Made This Resort Generate Over 111 Positive Reviews in Under 5 Months Read More »